linux server basic knowledge
Linux Server Basic Knowledge

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that operates basis the Linux Kernel.

In the personal computers space, more often the Windows operating systems are dominant among the user groups.

Whereas in commercial servers, Linux is a more popular version of the UNIX operating system.

The Linux operating systems are empowered as CUG (Computer User Graphic) of the UNIX operating system.

Linux operating systems’ popularity is attributed to the open-source solution and is free to use.

The design of the Linux operating system is more compatible with that of UNIX and constitutes majorly three components as Kernel, system library, and system utility.


The kernel is the core structure of Linux and is fundamentally responsible for managing the critical activities of the operating systems.

It comprises distinct modules and interacts significantly with the underlying hardware integral to the Linux Server.

A kernel offers the necessary abstraction for hiding low-level hardware details integral to the system and the application programs executed in the Linux Server.

Related: What is Linux Kernal Meaning?

System Library

An important function of the System Library is to execute special functions or programs depending on the application programs, or the system utilities basis the Kernel’s features.

Such libraries execute most of the functionalities integral to the Linux operating system, and they do not require any kind of module code access rights.

System Utility

The System Utility element of the Linux operating system is responsible for the execution of the specialized and individual application-level tasks in the Linux operating system.

Operation Mode of Linux Operating Systems

Two different modes for the operation of Linux operating systems are Kernel mode and User mode.

Kernel component code executes basis a privilege model termed Kernel mode having full access to complete resources of the computer.

The Kernel code in the Linux operating systems is considered a single process, and it executes over a single address space, wherein it does not have any context switch.

Thus, the outcome from the Kernel mode process is fast and efficient over the Linux Server.

Kernel plays a vital role in executing the processes and offering system services to processes, offering secured access to the hardware for processing, in the Linux Server.

Execution in User Mode does not require any support code in the System Library, and user programs alongside other system programs handle effectively in User Mode, wherein the access so system hardware and kernel code for reaching out to the system’s low-level tasks.

Basic Features of the Linux Operating System

Among the basic features of the Linux operating system, the following are the highlights.


In simple terms, the Linux operating system is portable, and it can work on various types of hardware similarly.

Linux kernel and application program assists in smooth processing of installations related to any kind of hardware problem.


Linux operating system source code is open source, and one does not need to pay any license fee unlike in Windows OS, as the operating system is community-based source code development.

Multiple teams work in coherence to improve the capability of the Linux operating system and the demand for Linux Servers are rising high.

Even in the case of the multiuser systems environment, the functionality of the Linux Servers or the Linux OS loaded servers are high, and the memory and application programs are at the same time.

The other highlight is the smooth functioning of Linux Servers in the case of a multiprogramming environment.

Linux Servers can cater comfortably to multiple applications execution without any limitations.

The file structure followed in the Linux operating systems are standard file structure wherein system files or user files are arranged hierarchically.

Linux offers a special interpreter program wherein it can be used for executing commands over the operating system.

The Shell program of Linux operating systems is resourceful for distinct kinds of operations, application programs, etc.

Security aspects in Linux OS are effective, as there are authentication features like controlled access, and password protection at file level, and Linux operating system levels.

The generic security scope like data encryption and other such features too are prevalent in the Linux Server functioning, which makes it more user-friendly.

Myths Around Linux Operating System

Users accustomed to Windows OS might find the Linux operating system complex and too technical to operate as an operating system.

But the Linux Servers and their Linux operating systems have become more user-friendly over time, and it is easy to use at hardly any costs incurred on the licensing.

For the other server operating systems like Windows servers, the cost of enterprise editions is very high, and naturally, the service providers must incur more costs on such.

Whereas, in the case of Linux Servers, as the Linux operating system is open source, there are hardly any costs to the system, and thus, it can be resourceful for commercial applications.

Most of the public servers or the servers offered as managed server space is operated on the Linux OS, because of their affordability, reliability, and ease of use.

Also, in terms of business applications, many companies are offering customized applications to suit the Linux operating system-centric Linux Servers.

Unix is the fundamental operating system basis on which the future generation operating systems have evolved.

Linux operating system is one such significant impact on the computer users, server environment, and for developers working on the Linux Servers-based applications.

Also, for the users who are acquainted with the Unix operating system, adapting to the Linux OS and Linux Servers are easier.

As the Linux OS are open-source and free-to-use kernel solutions, a distinct set of customized operating systems are created for suiting the individual requirements.

The teams must focus on a selection of the right kind of Linux OS distribution that fits the usage requirements.

Many such customized links are available for Linux operating system in the public domain.

With Linux Dedicated Servers being available as low as S$99/month with unmetered data transfer, Exabytes Singapore offers dedicated servers at an affordable price range.

Reach out to Exabytes Singapore for more information on Linux Servers and applications of Linux Operating Systems, resourceful for managing enterprise applications and storage.

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