how to boost website seo with plugin

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plays an important role to help businesses get more organic traffic from search engines such as Google, Bing, and more. As to date, there are more than 200 ranking factors Google uses to rank your website. 

With the help of WordPress plugins, it will simplify our SEO activities, making it easy to manage website SEO if you have a small team of digital marketers or you are doing it by yourself. Although having SEO plugins such as RankMath and SEOPress can simplify our SEO activities, there is still a lot of manual work needed to see the positive result in the long run.

In this article, we will be sharing how you increase your website SEO with Plugins, increase the chance of getting better website SEO performance and ranking higher on Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

#1 Easily Setup Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a must have tool if you grow your organic traffic. Search Console allows webmasters/ digital marketers to measure their website’s search traffic and performance, fix issues, request for indexing, and more. With plugins such as Site Kit by Google, you can easily set up your Google Search Console account in less than 5 minutes.

#2 Easily Setup Sitemap for your Website

Having a sitemap helps Google to better understand your website structure, making sure that Google is able to read all your pages and crawl them all efficiently. Sitemap also provides useful information about your page to Google such as when was the page last updated. Having plugins such as RankMath or SEOPress, you are able to generate a sitemap for your website in less than a minute.

#3 Easily Modify Meta Title & Meta Description

Having an optimised meta title and meta description makes it easier to rank higher on SERP and get a higher organic click-through-rate (CTR). With tools such as RankMath and SEOPress, it provides a comprehensive guideline on how you should write your meta title and meta description based on the keywords you are ranking for.

#4 Incorporate keywords naturally

Having a reasonable amount of keyword density is important as it will also influence how well our website ranks on SERP. With the help of SEO plugins like SEOPress and RankMath, we are able to make sure that all our focus keywords are incorporated naturally, indicating if a certain keyword is not using enough or using too much.

#5 Easily Achieve Google Core Web Vitals

Starting from June 2021, Core Web Vitals has become a ranking factor for Google. With speed optimisation plugins such as WPRocket, Asset CleanUp, Autoptimize, and many more, it makes it easier for you to achieve a faster website with minimum effort

In addition, plugins such as Site Kit by Google allows you to easily monitor your core web vitals, making sure that your website is achieving Google Core Web Vital standards

#6 Easily monitor broken URL

Having broken URL/links on your website will negatively affect your SEO. This is because when your website visitors (and Google bot) navigate to a link on your website, they are expecting to see content on that link. If it turns out to be a 404 page, then it will negatively impact your website experience and your SEO.

Therefore, it is important for us to monitor our website constantly for any broken URL/links. With the help of SEOPress and RankMath, it gives you the ability to scan your website for broken links in just a click.

#7 Generate Schema Automatically

Schema markups make your page look more attractive, including more information such as ratings, pricing, and more which can help you achieve a higher organic click-through-rate (CTR). SEO plugins like RankMath and SEOPress allows you to automatically setup a schema based on the type of content you have without the need to manually insert the code into Google Tag Manage by yourself.

#8 Easily Manage Your 301 & 303 Redirections 

While we should reduce and avoid the usage of 301 and 303 redirections, there is still some time that we are required to do so. Some cases where redirections are needed is when you are migrating your website to a new domain, the content has moved to a new URL, or that you’ve deleted an existing page. With plugins like SEOPress and RankMath, enabling and managing redirections is much easier as you do not have to do it on your control panel.


Lastly, we should just treat SEO plugins as a tool to make our life easier. There is no point in focusing too much on which SEO plugin is better. SEO plugins are just like our cars, you can drift perfectly on any car if you are skilful. But if you do not have the skill, you won’t be able to drift even if you are driving a Lamborghini.

I hope this article will give you a clearer understanding on how plugins can play a role in helping us to get a better organic ranking. Thanks for your time reading this article, see you in the next article!  

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