Use Blog Domain

Why Use Blog Domain to Start Your Blog

Statistics show that about 77% of Internet users read blogs. In 2019, when the number of Internet users reached a 4.1billion, 77% of Internet users would have given us 3.1 billion blog readers. That’s a huge crowd of the potential audience.

Have the idea of starting your blog ever crossed your mind with .Blog Domain? Most of us do. But where and how do you start? For starters, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

‘Who are you?’

What makes you–you? How do you identify with yourself? What is your passion? If you are running a business, What is the purpose of your business?

If you are looking to speak your mind about yourself and your passion, the blog is the perfect creative outlet to do so.

-Be Yourself!

‘Who are you speaking to?’

If you are unsure or undecided of what content to create and what to post onto your blog before starting use the blog domain to start your website.

The most important tip to take away here is to always think of your target audience.

It doesn’t have to be about your passion. (although it’s easier to stay committed to starting your blog when you’re passionate about it).

But it does have to be an interest of yours.

-Pick who you want to speak to!

You don’t read a blog because it looks nice. You don’t read a blog because they publish frequently. (Although that both help).

-You read a blog because you care about what it says

‘What value do you bring to your target audience?’

It’s best when you pick a niche. A niche is more than just a topic. It’s the approach you’re going to take, the audience you want to go after, and the way you’re going to talk to them and position yourself as an expert.

-Become irresistible to your ideal client!

How .Blog Domain Helps Promote Your Website

Let’s look at 3 different blogs, written and kept by Exabytes clients.

These are simple examples of how you can utilize your blog to make it more appealing to your target audience by using .Blog Domain, best domain extension for blogs.

  1. HennyTan (

This blog mainly consists of images and with minimum words, it is a Designer blog that posts all sorts of stunning work by different bloggers. It is not a typical blog with lots of words to read.

A picture is worth a thousand words. There is no better way to communicate your passion to your readers than a gallery of your actual artwork.

This blogger lets his past works speak for him. It is simple yet effective in showcasing the designer’s ability and what he can bring to the table.

Viewers can find greater details of his work projects when clicking into the posts, providing better insight into how he works with his clients.

2. FinanSure ( provides information about finance and insurance to its customers, knowing their needs to understand more on how the services work.  

First of all, this blog has a great name that resonates well with what it does. FinanSure came from the word Finance+ Sure, portraying a sense of assurance and certainty. It instantly lets people know what to expect.

Tip: pick a name that represents the content of your blog.

In the blog, also has an ‘About’ page that indicates clearly who they are and what they do.

For blogs that provide consulting services, the audience needs to know who is providing this information and consulting services.

It builds trust and credibility for your business.

Moreover, they blog about other things under ‘other topics’ in the blog, which is another way to generate traffic.

3. SLCedusg (

The blog is founded by the School of Language and Communication (SLC) from Singapore that is set up to promote active use of English and Mandarin.

The blog itself has multiple functions that serve different purposes. It provides a platform for the parent’s community, provides details on the courses they offer, information on their teachers’ qualifications, and you can find testimonials written by students’ parents as well.

Testimonials are a strong and convincing advertising tool for many businesses as their proof of the standard & quality of services the business provides.

Have a better idea now? Are you ready to buy a domain name for a blog?

Start your blogging journey with Exabytes .Blog Domain Name! If you are planning to use a custom domain name to point it to your blog at Blogger but no way out to kickstart, read the article below for more information.

Find a domain name that is worth more than the price. If you have more questions, don’t be shy to ask. Cheers! 

Related article: Step by step to point your domain name to Blogger/Blogspot