data security for remote working

Working from home has become much more commonplace globally since the pandemic. Experts believe that remote working will continue to be common across many industries even after the pandemic has passed.

While it is practical and offers numerous advantages, remote working also exposes people and companies to a variety of data security dangers.

Companies that operate remote working must take data security measures to protect their data, using techniques like multi-factor authentication and data security encryption.

Most of the files, emails, instant chats, and third-party services that staff members save in the cloud are private.

Unwanted access to this data might harm data security and damage the reputation of the business.

According to one study, 20% of businesses had a data security breach brought on by remote working employees.

As a result, the organization’s expenditures went up; according to 24% of respondents in the study, they had to pay unforeseen fees to address the data security breach or malware assault.

What Causes Data Security Risks When Working Remotely?

work remotely

The amount of digital data was lower in open-plan offices. Digital data was kept by businesses in centralized data protection storage. To access the data, the malware needed to target this storage.

Today’s remote working employees document all business transactions, including meetings, as digital data.

Additionally, all corporate data is continually moving between employee networks and devices throughout the world.

As a result, data security is more susceptible to the dangers of this constant transit.

The less tech-savvy personnel might not be taking the appropriate data security measures for safe data protection exchange.

They may unintentionally expose the firm to data security risks. Business is far more exposed to cybercrime when data is shared via a public network in homes, coffee shops, or remote working.

Hackers target cloud-based systems, which are excellent for remote working operations, particularly owing to ease of storage and sharing.

A piece of data security information becomes vulnerable to cybercrime as soon as it is shared online while on remote working.

Therefore, choosing one of the secure and productive collaboration tools such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 will be a wise choice for a remote team to safely enhance their communication and work load.

Here are some reasons why it is important for both employers and employees to take measures to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of sensitive information.

  • Unsecured networks: Remote workers often use unsecured networks, such as public Wi-Fi, which can be easily hacked. Public Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in coffee shops or airports, may not be secure and could potentially allow hackers to intercept data. Even private networks at home could be vulnerable if they are not properly secured.
  • Phishing attacks: Remote workers are more vulnerable to phishing attacks, which can lead to data breaches. Cybercriminals may use phishing emails or other social engineering tactics to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware.
  • Unsecure Devices: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Employees may use their personal devices to access work-related information, which can lead to security breaches if these devices are not properly secured. This could leave them vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Lack of physical security: Remote workers may not have access to the same physical security measures as they would in a traditional office setting, making their devices and data more vulnerable to theft or damage.
  • Weak passwords: Employees may be more likely to use weak or easily guessed passwords when working remotely, which can make it easier for cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive data.
  • Lack of training: Employees may not be as familiar with cybersecurity best practices when working remotely, and may not receive the same level of training and guidance as they would in an office setting.

It is important for organizations to address these risks by implementing security measures such as encryption, two-factor authentication, endpoint security protection and regular security training for employees.

Why is It Important for Businesses to Be Attentive to Threats to Data Security?

Companies that operate remote working must take data security measures to protect their data, using techniques like multi-factor authentication and data security.

The majority of the files, emails, instant messaging, and other services one keeps in the cloud are private.

Unwanted access to this data might jeopardize business data security and damage the reputation of the business.

On the other hand, it is legally required of businesses to keep data protection of the personal information of parties, including clients and staff, who confide in them and disclose it with them.

Businesses will be in a difficult legal situation if someone gains access to this data security information without your permission. Because of this, data protection is both a moral and legal concern.

Emerging technologies provide tools and systems that boost the benefits of remote working and give hackers more control.

Depending on the size of the firm, data security breaches may cost businesses millions of dollars annually.

Precautions That Remote Employees Might Take to Protect Their Data

malware protection

It is vital to teach the staff how to protect themselves from online dangers while remote working.

One must first be aware of the fundamental data security precautions the remote working team may take.

1. Use antivirus and online data security programs.

First and foremost, spend money on data security programs like Acronis Cyber Protect. Businesses will automatically be protected against numerous cyber threats by antivirus software.

These data protection packages adopt the following safety measures as a result:

  • automatic or optional malware detection scanning,
  • removing all code and viruses that have been found,
  • Making sure the computer and other gadgets are secure.

These data protection applications have the ability to warn the user and obtain their consent or carry out all data protection procedures in the background.

So that businesses can get the most out of their investment, let the remote working employees know about this program.

You may also consider Sucuri Website Security which is an online service that offers website owners a powerful suite of tools to monitor, block and clean their websites from malware and other threats.

2. Home internet security

Remote working employees are better protected against cybercrime by enhancing their home internet data security.

Instead of using the password given by the internet provider, ask the staff to generate one themselves. Make sure they choose a difficult-to-guess password for data protection.

Pay close attention to the safety of programs like Zoom and Google Drive.

Different tools are required for remote working employees to communicate with coworkers, clients, and business partners.

Businesses may offer training on how to utilize these technologies for more secure data storage.

As Zoom gained popularity, abuse caused problems for many businesses. Similar circumstances have occurred with several digital remote working technologies.

For instance, while planning a meeting, the staff should be careful who they share the links with. Adding a session-specific password increases data security even further.

Another solution for remote working that businesses typically choose for file sharing is Google Drive.

Businesses may again encourage employees to keep in mind data security when selecting an email address, and not click on any link received from an unknown email address.

3. Make use of a VPN.

Remote working frequently entails connecting the computer to the company’s Virtual Private Network (VPN connection), but this introduces additional home office safety that hackers may exploit.

To begin with, it is critical to equip employees with remote working security advice as well as instructions or policies on how to be secure while remote working.


Data security affects everyone, not just members of a certain sector. People can enjoy the numerous advantages of remote working while taking the required precautions to safeguard their company’s reputation and data protection.

Businesses can prevent data security risks by hiring professionals to take care of their data protection.

Exabytes offers the finest option that businesses can acquire for their remote working employees is Acronis Cyber Protect.

Get in touch with our experts to learn more about the data security and data protection of your remote working employees. To find out more, contact us now.

Cyber Security Solution

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