data privacy, data security, data protection differences

One of an organization’s most valuable assets is its data, which has to be protected as such.

Because there are so many possible ways for an organization’s data to be lost or compromised, businesses must have a comprehensive data protection strategy to protect their data.

This necessitates concentrating on three crucial areas: data privacy, data security, and data protection.

According to the report- the Cam4 data security breach in March 2020, which exposed more than 10 billion data records, was the greatest documented data privacy leak as of August 2022.

2013 saw the Yahoo data breach, which is now the second-largest data privacy leak in history.

After conducting an investigation, the business modified its original estimate, which indicated that there were one billion exposed data security records and three billion impacted accounts.

The average cost of a single data privacy breach across all sectors in the globe as of 2020 was close to 4 million dollars.

The healthcare industry was determined to be the most expensive, with each data security leak reportedly costing the affected party a whopping 7.13 million US dollars.

How one can define data privacy, data security, and data protection?

Although the phrases are occasionally used synonymously, there are a number of significant distinctions between data protection, data security, and data privacy.

1. Data Protection

Protecting confidential data against theft, manipulation, or corruption is the process of data protection.

Although there are many data protection methods available, backup and recovery are at the core of data protection.

A business will often appoint a data protection officer who is in charge of identifying the information that needs to be safeguarded and developing a set of procedures to guarantee that the information can be retrieved in the event that it is lost, altered, or damaged.

Data protection policies, particularly those pertaining to recovery point goals (RPOs) and recovery time objectives, safeguard data in a way that is consistent with the organization’s service-level agreements in addition to making sure it is backed up (RTOs).

2. Data Privacy

Data privacy, also known as information privacy, refers to the requirement for a company or individual to decide which information stored in a computer system can be shared with outside parties.

Data privacy has two primary components. Control of access is the first. Determining who should have permitted access to the data and who shouldn’t is a key component of preserving data privacy.

Setting up safeguards to stop unwanted access to data is the second part of data privacy.

3. Data Security

The protection of digital information against internal and external, deliberate, and unintentional dangers is known as data security.

Data security is primarily concerned with data protection, but it also includes infrastructure security since it is challenging to appropriately safeguard data if the underlying infrastructure is insecure.

To ensure data security, organizations have implemented a plethora of security controls and data security solutions.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA), which employs at least two distinct procedures to confirm a user’s identity before giving access to the data, is one such illustration.

Data Privacy vs Data Security vs Data Protection Differences

malware protection

Data security vs data protection

Data security and data protection are quite distinct things. Data protection ensures that data can be recovered if required, whereas data security is intended to stop a hostile assault on an organization’s data and other IT resources.

Protection-in-depth strategies are typically used to create data security, which ensures that even if an attacker manages to get past one line of defense, there are still additional barriers in place to block access to data protection.

One way to think about data protection in this strategy is as the final line of defense.

A backup program can be used to recover from the attack and obtain all of the organization’s data back if a ransomware assault were to successfully encrypt the data of the target organization.

Data protection vs Data privacy

Data protection and data privacy are two very separate concepts.

Data protection entails ensuring sure a business has a mechanism to restore its data after a data loss incident, whereas data privacy is all about protecting the data from unwanted access.

Despite these distinctions, data protection and data privacy are employed in tandem. In order to prevent unwanted access to the data recorded on the tape, backup tapes are frequently encrypted.

Data privacy vs Data security

Data security and data privacy sometimes overlap to a significant extent. For instance, encryption may be a tool for data security as well as helping to preserve data privacy.

Data privacy is concerned with making sure that only those who are permitted to access the data may do so, which is the key distinction between data security and data privacy. 

Data security places more of an emphasis on thwarting damaging assaults. Although encrypted data is confidential, it could not be safe.

To stop an attacker from erasing the data or using a new encryption technique to make it unreadable, encryption is not sufficient on its own.

Use security solutions to safeguard data privacy, data security, and data protection

Is there a single answer that can provide data protection? No. Data may be exceptionally protected throughout its lifespan, nevertheless, by developing rules and processes to handle sensitive data protection, as well as stacking security solutions from experts.

Data privacy, data security, and data protection issues may all be resolved by solutions like Acronis Cyber Protect.

Make sure the solutions can be readily integrated to handle these three crucial strategies (data privacy, data security, and data protection)

Understanding crucial concepts like data privacy, data security, and data protection is important.

And even though they are all inextricably connected, they all represent very distinct concepts and methodologies.

The best way to protect organizations and their clients against cyberattacks and data breaches is to stay up with best practices and update the data protection policies.

Exabytes provides Acronis cyber protect that benefits business to protect their data with a single solution against data privacy, data security, and data protection threat.  WhatsApp us to learn more.

Acronis Cyber Protect Solution

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