challenges of web design agencies and freelancers

Whether you’re managing a web design agency or working independently as a freelancer, the world of web design presents an array of challenges. Crafting seamless user experiences and captivating visuals is just one facet of the journey. Navigating tight project schedules, budgetary constraints, and striking the delicate balance between quality and project scope pose recurring obstacles for website designers.

The pressure to excel emanates not only from clients but also from team members and stakeholders. For web designers, the task extends beyond creating remarkable websites; it encompasses adept project management, website upkeep, and ensuring client satisfaction.

Addressing Challenges in Web Design for Agencies and Freelancers

1. The Complexity of Web Design

Creating websites is a multifaceted endeavor for web design agencies and freelancers. It involves harmonizing various design elements, functionalities, and enhancements across different layers of a website. Achieving this seamlessly while maintaining both the visual appeal and functionality of the website requires meticulous teamwork and unwavering attention to detail.


To conquer the challenge posed by the complexity of web design, clear and open communication is paramount. Employ streamlined project management techniques and utilize collaborative tools. Define roles within the team, make use of project management software, and foster transparent communication among team members and clients. These steps help navigate intricacies and ensure a cohesive implementation of the design.

2. The Ongoing Maintenance Conundrum

Ever found yourself allocating excessive time and resources to rectify inefficient systems? Prioritizing maintenance might seem like a straightforward choice, but if it takes precedence over innovative ideation, it could potentially impede progress on your website projects.


To tackle the ongoing maintenance challenge in web design, establish well-defined post-launch agreements that delineate maintenance responsibilities. Schedule regular updates, offer maintenance packages, and integrate a user-friendly content management system (CMS) to empower clients to manage their websites effectively. Prioritize transparent communication and provide training to equip clients with the skills needed for efficient website management.

3. Navigating the Tool Selection Maze

The Paradox of Choice theory posits that an abundance of choices can make decision-making more challenging. In the realm of web design, this rings true as designers face a multitude of options due to advancements in web and computer technology.

Web design is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses the creation of aesthetically pleasing and functional interfaces, which is no small feat. Designers require proficiency in style sheets, PHP, databases, and tools like Photoshop, just to scratch the surface.

Today, designers have a plethora of supplementary tools at their disposal for enhancing their work. These tools encompass planning, prototyping, UI/UX design, animations, and more, alongside a plethora of programming languages to choose from.

Selecting the right tool at the right time is pivotal for success. However, each tool possesses its own strengths and weaknesses, leading to a challenging situation where designers must discern which tool best aligns with their project’s requirements.


To address the quandary of tool selection in web design, agencies and freelancers must first comprehensively assess their project’s specific needs. Consider factors such as the design’s complexity, collaborative capabilities of the tools, and scalability with the project’s growth.

Experiment with various tools and seek advice from peers. Opt for established options like Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, or Sketch. Choose tools that align with your proficiency and continue to evolve over time.


4. Communication Challenges

If you’re a project manager, you’ve likely encountered issues stemming from “misunderstandings,” “misinterpretations,” or “miscommunications.” Ineffective communication poses a significant threat to any project.

When project managers struggle to assign tasks efficiently, articulate instructions, share crucial project objectives and milestones, or clarify roles and responsibilities—resulting in a lack of clarity regarding “who’s responsible for what”—it can lead to widespread confusion among all involved parties.


In this context, robust tools like Plesk’s SiteJet website builder facilitate seamless communication for all involved in the website design project. It includes the Project Management Tool (Sitejet Manager), Professional Website Builder (Sitejet CMS), and End Customer Portal, allowing clients to provide feedback on the website and request revisions and changes.

5. Slow Processes

Web design agencies frequently grapple with significant challenges when designing and developing web applications. Users are averse to sluggish processes, applications that take forever to load, or other performance bottlenecks.

Ensuring consistent and uninterrupted performance across the entire app experience is a formidable task. Moreover, monitoring this performance can be quite complex.

Frequent speed and performance issues can detrimentally impact search engine rankings, result in subpar user experiences, reduce conversions, and affect user retention.


Web Application Metrics: Keep a close eye on critical performance indicators and user metrics such as app installations/uninstallations, growth rate, mobile downloads, app crashes, upgrades, Lifetime Value (LTV), and cohort analysis to enhance overall performance.

Utilize Tools: Employ app analytics tools like Google Analytics, App Store Connect, Flurry, Mix Panel, Localytics, Firebase, UXCam, Adjust, and more. These tools enable you to track the aforementioned metrics and improve speed and performance.


Google Core Web Vitals: Adhere to Google’s Web Vitals, with a focus on metrics like Your Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) for your web pages.

Optimization: Reduce your app’s size and employ a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Exercise caution when using third-party sources, and prioritize the use of an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) System. Additionally, optimize images, code, and other content.

6. Lack of Project Understanding

A strong creative project always begins with a well-structured brief. An effective brief can streamline creative projects and lead to superior outcomes for clients. However, a common mistake made by project managers is attempting to encompass all project details within a document, which often makes the brief challenging for creative teams to grasp.


A creative brief serves as a roadmap, guiding a project from inception to completion. It serves as a unified reference point for all project stakeholders. A well-crafted creative brief ensures clarity regarding the project’s scope, timeline, objectives, and deliverables. If your agency struggles with creating effective briefs, establishing a basic brief structure can be highly beneficial.

This structure can assist project managers in refining their note-taking abilities and asking pertinent questions to clients. Not only will this provide project managers with the clarity needed to produce exceptional briefs, but it will also encourage active engagement in the project, steering it in the right direction.


7. Ineffective Project Management

When your website project seems to be endlessly delayed due to repeated setbacks and ineffective communication, it’s time to shift your focus away from blaming your Content Management System (CMS) and instead examine your team’s operational efficiency.

This is where the agile approach can prove highly advantageous. Agile methodologies, designed to enhance technical processes and project management, ensure that your website project is completed promptly and to the highest possible standards.


Efficient project management in web design entails the use of dedicated software such as Lark Suite, Trello or Asana, establishing clear project milestones, assigning tasks with deadlines, fostering open communication, and conducting regular progress meetings.

Adopting agile methodologies can enhance collaboration and streamline the design process, guaranteeing the timely and successful completion of your project.

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In Summary

Challenges test the skills of website designers and web design agencies. Balancing tight budgets and project scopes while ensuring client satisfaction and effectively managing the intricate task of website maintenance complicates the journey.

Overcoming these obstacles is not a solo endeavor; it requires a collaborative effort that demands creativity, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to improvement. As the digital landscape evolves, challenges evolve with it, prompting web design agencies and freelancers to harness innovation, expertise, and technology, including various tools and platforms, to manage their website projects and ensure a smooth and gratifying journey.

Unlock the potential of your web design projects with Plesk’s Sitejet Website Builder. Seamlessly create and manage websites, gather customer feedback effortlessly, and stay organized with our user-friendly ticket system. Whether you’re a web designer or a small business, Sitejet integrated with Plesk will help your projects thrive. Elevate your success – Get started today!

Get Started SiteJet Website Builder + Project Management Solution

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