what is cybersecurity

Alongside the emerging opportunities, one of the challenges facing global businesses is about managing the cybersecurity challenges.

Everyday hundreds of companies report cybersecurity breaches, and there are many unnoticed or unreported security breach conditions leading to persistent threats because of cyber threats.

Irrespective of the business size and the kind of information systems used at a personal level or in business, it is paramount to consider cybersecurity practices, to secure information security and privacy.

Cybersecurity is all about securing sensitive data, and personally identifiable information, like financial, user credentials, identity numbers, health records, etc.

Today, every dimension of data related to consumers, society, and businesses is reeling under cyber threats.

Unless the users and businesses ensure certain kinds of cybersecurity programs are in place, it is highly complex to defend against any kind of cyber threats and has cyber attack protection conditions.

With the increasing connectivity and the exposure of information systems to the internet network, there is always a cyber threat around the corner, and with any little vulnerability, the systems shall encounter cyberattacks.

This cyber threat is integral to the cloud services environment too wherein the cloud services if managed under the poor configuration of cybersecurity solutions, and it could be meaning that an organization suffers from possible cyberattacks of any form.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the state or the process wherein the protection and recovery of computer systems, networks, applications, and another internet of things (IoT) from any kind of cyberattacks.

Right from social engineering, to phishing, and intrusions, which was a conventional approach to the current trend of artificial intelligence-based systems, the security trespass into the digital environment of a business using the internet or related-to internet means, there are many possible ways hackers and scamsters use for invading into the privacy and information security of the systems.

The need for a smart, sophisticated, and highly secured range of security solutions available for information systems is paramount to handling cyber threats and this is where cybersecurity practices, applications, and implementations play a vital role.

The very fact that globally many nations operate a cybersecurity department working round the clock signifies the looming cyber threats and the need for cybersecurity solutions.

Importance of Cybersecurity 

Cybersecurity’s importance is on the rise, and fundamentally society is more reliant on technological advancements than ever before for businesses, communication, and lifestyle.

Millions of users order their stuff online over eCommerce stores, and billions of dollars of transactions take place over internet-powered e-banking systems.

Globally, millions of users’ sensitive data are stored around some cloud applications at global locations.

With all these sensitive set-ups prevailing around, it’s a ticking explosive of information and privacy breach.

In the absence of a strengthened and round-the-clock monitored cybersecurity applications functional, these cyber threats can be as hazardous to collapse a national economic scenario or change the geopolitical equations in no time.

Simply put, as the public domain quotations read, any next world war is a cyberwar and bio-war, and the intensity of how and why cyber attack protection is imperative is evident.

Numerous case scenarios of how the global banks, government information systems, in addition to private enterprises breach, hypothesis the need for and importance of cyber attack protection.

Cyber laws around the world require companies to work on data compliance and security and ensure there are regulated practices in managing cybersecurity.

Despite it, in instances of information and security breaches, the businesses are to report the issue to the regulatory bodies and the public domain.

Nature of Cyber threats

The scale and range of cyber threats happening in the markets are phenomenal, and all sizes of security breaches are resulting in outcomes daily.

Right from small home PCs being attacked by malware to e-commerce and e-governance systems being attacked by DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, to ransomware on the business ERP applications, the quantum of attacks is bounds and leaps.

However, for the readers to understand some of the classifications of the cyber threats wherein one needs to have watchdog cybersecurity applications in place are

And the list goes on big. While one system never fits the bill to address these many aspects, it is paramount that businesses focus on having comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, and practices that can work as a cyber attack protection model.

From the business’s perspective, it is very essential to secure their business data, customer information like card details, email and contact information, etc. in a secure manner.

There is a need for cybersecurity solutions to empower the security of the system and to guard against cyberattack protection.

However, simply setting up the systems is not sufficient in managing cybersecurity. But the fact that such systems are managed updated, identify the gaps if any, and improvise the security features, audit the security systems are important for cyber-attacks protection.

Also, businesses must use data backup systems and disaster recovery planning models to help in improving overall functionality.

Businesses must consider having the right kind of cloud-backup solutions as part of managing cyber attack protection.

Mere protection alone is not sufficient, and there is a need for holistic practice in place for managing cybersecurity.

Relying on comprehensive solutions like network security, firewalls for web applications, screening and anomaly detection solutions, botnet attack prevention solutions, and combined scope of incremental backup options are among measures of cybersecurity for cyber-attacks protection.

Also, businesses must focus on educating and creating awareness among the workforce about security practices and the need for effective systems to counter cyber-attacks.

Some of the best practices like using end-to-end encryption practices, adhering to reliable networks for usage, and adapting the VPN network services for transactions and communications can help in mitigating the cyber threats.

Reach out to Exabytes Singapore for more information on countermeasures for cyber threats and good offers on cybersecurity solutions for enterprise cyber-attacks protection.


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