Why You Website is Slow Performance?

Why You Website is Slow Performance?

Can you imagine a 1-second delay in your website speed can cause:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 7% loss in conversions

So the above probably answer the question you are asking — “I do have a lot of visitors, but why aren’t they converting?”

Since 2010, Google has emphasized that speeding up websites is important to all Internet users. Today, Google aim for a half second loading speed.

We know that a half second (0.5 seconds) equals to 500 milliseconds (ms). To give you an idea how fast that is, a literal blink of an eye is about 300 to 400 ms.

Thus it’s highly recommended for all webmasters to aim for 500 milliseconds to 2 seconds at most in website loading speed. Clearly, speeding up your website is critical in 2016.

There are 3 ways to improve the loading speed of your website.

3 Ways to Speed Up When Your Website is Slow

1. Choose a good hosting provider

Web hosting has a direct effect on the loading speed of your website. Server stability, reliability, customer support all play an important roles.

Remember to check your website’s loading speed from time to time before it start to affect your website performance when you website is slow for long time.

If your website takes an unusually long time to load most of the time, you might want to consider transferring your website to a new web host/hosting provider.

2. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a group of servers hosted at different physical locations, working together to distribute or deliver your website content.

With CDN technology, website visitors can access a copy of data from the server closest to them instead of accessing to a single central server.

This in turn can boost up your website performance and speed up your website loading speed.

To know more how Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help your website, click HERE.

3. Minimize the use of flash, scripts etc

The speed of the website is highly dependent on the HTTP request which is made for each component such as images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc on the web page.

According to Yahoo, 80% of the time is spent on downloading these elements. In other words, the more on-page components, the longer it takes for a page to render.

Thus, the fastest way to handle your website speed is to simplify your design.

Lastly, you can utilize some of the available FREE tools (for example, Page Speed, Yslow, Webpagetest, and Webmaster Tools) to evaluate and monitor the speed of your site for better optimization.

Hope these tips are useful for you. Cheers!

Related article: How to boost your WordPress Website