optimize vps hosting performance and page speed

Web hosting and email hosting have become essential parts of the strategic business plans for the organization.

Businesses, as part of managing the IT systems infrastructure effectively, prefer to consider VPS hosting (virtual private server hosting) services for launching their business applications. 

Scores of benefits are part of using the VPS hosting services, and the clients using the VPS hosting services must focus on optimized performance in VPS hosting, as it helps in offering more effective solutions to the end users.

The demand for VPS Singapore is high, and many of the digital and tech space companies are offering VPS Singapore at competitive pricing.

It is undoubtedly a better scope to implement VPS hosting, selection of the right VPS Singapore among service providers is important.

Also, for better performance, the teams need to consider boosting the VPS hosting for better performance and speed.

Let’s explore the facets of how the VPS hosting can be optimized 

virtual server cloud

VPS is a web hosting solution on a virtual private server, with assurance for exclusivity in resources like CPU cores, storage space, memory, and RAM capacity. 

Despite that multiple applications run from a single server in a VPS hosting environment, the performance of the systems does not get affected, and the assured performance is managed by the service providers.

VPS hosting can be seen as a significant intermediary working model between the dedicated hosting and shared hosting solution

VPS hosting is partly a dedicated hosting, and partly a kind of shared hosting model, providing necessary features like the uptime, reliability, performance, and flexibility aspects at economic pricing in comparison to dedicated hosting. 

In addition to the integral features of VPS hosting, it is important to focus on optimizing the VPS web hosting to have improved performance.

Here are some of the effective ways to optimize the VPS hosting for better performance and speeding up your websites: optimize the VPS server, apache settings optimization, content cache management, MYSQL version updates, content delivery network usage, and content optimization process. 

1. Optimize the VPS Server

VPS Server

In general, there is a need for some changes to the default settings used for the VPS hosting in general and more specifically in the Linux VPS server hosting.

Default applications and server configurations have limitations for managing page speed and performance, and it requires better optimization.

When the VPS hosting servers are optimized, the pros of it are increased working time speed, overall performance enhancement, less memory utilization, and working faster.

2. Apache Settings Optimization 

Incorrect and improper Apache settings configuration can lead to a reduction in the page load speeds and the overall performance.

Hence, the Apache settings configuration is an essential business requirement for boosting the website and mitigating risks of performance lag. 

For Apache settings, optimizing the KeepAlive, MaxClients, and StartServers is important for managing the VPS hosting of the web applications with better speeds. 

3. Content Cache Management 

Caching the page content is resourceful in reducing any kind of latency issues emerging in the VPS hosting.

For web pages with huge traffic volumes, the website admin team must account the caching page content, which can be easy to load the basic site pages to the customer view.

In the cache content management for VPS hosting, the practices are about caching the website content and data to RAM, and it is stored as frequently accessed content to be populated on request for the page.

By this practice, the load and response time over the server is limited, and users can experience faster access to the pages.

Execution of Cache management can be dealt with using different modes of cache for VPS hosting, like Varnish, Squid, or Memcached caching solutions.

Choosing a more optimal and right fit solutions can help in improving the scope for optimal performance management. 

4. MySQL Version Updates

Managing updated versions of query processing like MySQL is always essential for faster performance and optimization of the VPS hosting server.

The older versions of MySQL might not have the necessary security updates or performance-related patches, which will essentially impact the performance of the website, alongside the increased scope for attacks in the process.

For attaining peak performance, and minimizing the response time conditions, it is essential to check for the latest MySQL version as a replacement for the older versions.

In the VPS hosting, websites having data transaction systems or dynamic web applications, optimizing the MySQL version updates is very important, unlike static websites.

Related: How to optimize your MySQL databases

5. Content Delivery Network Usage 

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a substantial solution to deliver web page content and for faster levels of data processing.

Static content on nodes is used for reducing any kind of distance between the user sessions and VPS hosting servers.

The other critical advantage of the CDNs is their distributed system across the global data centers, and when the users from a specific region place a session request, the nearby VPS hosting server responds to the query.

For some of the high-traffic websites or web applications like publishing houses, video content, and content-based websites hosted as VPS hosting, this mechanism of the content delivery network can be a resourceful solution to manage websites.

Even in the case of Linux VPS server hosting this can be a potential solution.

6. Content Optimization Process 

Squarespace website builder

Optimization of the content on the server’s support in improved performance and page speed conditions, wherein the media and images on the website can be easy and quality access to the customers. 

In the public domain, there are many optimization process tools like SEMrush, Hemingway, and SurferSEO which are free for use, and they can help in improving the performance metrics.

It also supports improving the front-end website configurations and back-end server settings as essential for improving the speed at which the websites are available for the end users. 

Irrespective of the kind of websites hosted on the VPS hosting in Linux VPS server hosting or the other VPS hosting, it is important to focus on optimization for enriching the end-user experiences.

Engage with a technical expert from Exabytes Singapore for more information on VPS hosting solutions, and the support system to optimize the VPS hosting websites for better performance and speed.

Exabytes Singapore offers VPS hosting plans starting as low as S$5.40/month.

Create. Deploy. Scale your application with Exabytes VPS

100% Dedicated RAM. Enterprise-Grade NVMe SSD Storage. Tier 3 Industry Protocol. 99.9% SLA.

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