Domain Name Registration Dos & Don'ts

Finding an available domain name might be tough. Domain names worth hundreds of millions of dollars have already been registered.

That implies your first, second, and third selections for a domain name are likely to be taken.

In order to launch their website quickly in light of this intricacy, some people choose domain names that are far from ideal.

While one may need to make some concessions or be creative in order to buy domain, there are 4 things one should never include in a domain name.

If someone at your company offers a domain name that contains one of these 4 non-negotiables, flash a red signal and tell them to reconsider.

However, the domain name one selects may be inappropriate or difficult for people to remember.

One may discover this only after the site has already been published, at which point it may be too late – one will have to rename the website name, and any advertisements or print materials one has already paid for will most likely be wasted.

When Choosing a Website Name, Avoid These Mistakes

1# Use no numerals in the website name

One should avoid using “2” instead of “to” or “4” instead of “for” or “four.”

While one may think it amusing to utilize numbers, many people are unlikely to guess what one had in mind when one registered the domain name.

It will be aggravating if people want to access your website but can’t figure out what domain name to use.

The preceding applies to the use of numbers in general, not only when replacing a preposition – should visitors spell the word or input the number?

If they don’t guess the correct spelling, they will either navigate to another site that has a similar domain name or notice an error in their browser.

2# Use hyphens sparingly.

Is it,, or If someone hears your domain name and it has two or more syllables, they will most likely enter the entire website name without hyphens.

Using hyphens is similar to using numbers in the previous example in that one will leave it up to your visitors to determine whether or not to use a hyphen.

If people don’t guess the correct domain name the first time, they might not visit your site again. In most cases, users do not use hyphens while typing domain names.

Only use hyphens if they are part of a brand name and it is obvious that the domain name should include a hyphen.

If one has the funds, one can buy both domain names, one with and one without a hyphen, if they are accessible.

The hyphenated domain name can be redirected to the non-hyphenated one. It is worth noting that one should not register a hyphenated name that is identical to a hyphenated name that you do not possess.

3# Avoid using difficult-to-spell terms.

If your domain name is difficult to spell, very few individuals will take a chance and try to type it.

It’s easy to understand why isn’t registered, but there are several domains that incorporate “ENT” (ears, nose, and throat).

This is not always connected to domain length – is an example of a short yet difficult-to-spell domain name.

4# Do not register a lengthy domain name.

Long domain names may be creative since they can include a whole phrase or even a sentence. is one such example. Long domain names, on the other hand, are harder to remember in general.

If a visitor follows a link to the site, they will see the entire domain name in lower-case characters with no spaces, as this is how all web browsers display domain names in the address bar.

Long domain names with little difference between the words are difficult to understand, and visitors are unlikely to bother reading and remembering them.

3 Things to Do While Buying a Website Name

When brainstorming domain name ideas, there are a variety of aspects to consider. These are only a few instances.

1. Be recognizable.

In the form of a website URL, the domain name is the face of your organization. As a result, one should ensure that it sounds like a brand.

So, how does one go about doing that? with ease, freshness, and memorability. Inserting hyphens, digits, or anything else that makes it seem unnatural or difficult is discouraged.

2. Make it easy to say.

This point is connected to the first piece of advice. Even if people are unlikely to mention the domain name, its pronounceability is still vital.

This is due to a phenomenon known as processing fluency: the ease with which our brains can handle information. Names that don’t need much thought are typically the simplest to recall and are more likely to evoke good connotations.

When people misspell the domain name because it’s too difficult to remember, all of that potential traffic is lost.

Most individuals will quickly abandon their search for the brand’s website; they don’t have the time or inclination to do many Google searches for different spellings.

The lesson here is straightforward: make it simple for your clients to locate the website names.

3. Go for .COM.

Being unique isn’t necessarily better when it comes to extensions. While new extensions like “.me” and “.pro” may appear trendy and eye-catching, “.com” remains the easiest to remember and most often utilized.

In reality, according to Statista, as of June 2022, 52.8% of all websites have a “.com” suffix.

If one can’t access “.com,” try another well-known local extension such as “.sg,” “,” or “.org.” Then consider purchasing the .com domain name in the future.


The business website name is just as crucial as the content of your website. It will be one of the first things people notice and will associate with your site and your business.

If the domain name you pick is excessively long, difficult to spell, or has a terrible history, it will almost certainly have a negative impact on your website.

If you want to buy domain the best domain name in Singapore, Exabytes can provide you with more than 400 different domain extensions.

To know more about Exabytes domain hosting services, contact us now.

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