How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Website

Consider monetizing the WordPress website using Google Adsense to develop a passive income stream, and generate money while one sleeps, and enjoys the internet lifestyle.

Google Adsense is the world’s largest advertising network, allowing publishers, content producers, and website owners to earn money by presenting relevant advertisements to their users.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense Example

Google AdSense is a Google-run advertising network that allows WordPress bloggers and website owners to make money by displaying text, photos, videos, and other interactive adverts on their websites.

These Adsense are particularly relevant since they are based on the audience and site content.

The simplicity of Google AdSense comes from not having to deal with advertisers or worry about money collection. AdSense manages and upholds connections with advertising.

After collecting the money, they deduct the Google AdSense management charge and deliver the remaining funds to you.

Google AdSense provides cost-per-click (CPC) advertisements, which means that you are paid each time a visitor to your website clicks on a AdSense advertisement there.

The AdSense payment per click varies depending on a number of variables.

How to Begin with Google AdSense

First and foremost, one must open a Google AdSense account. One may login using the current Gmail account if one already has one.

One must wait for the AdSense team to examine the application after they have submitted it. For some publications, this might take only a few hours or a few weeks.

One may access the login account and obtain the ad code after it has been authorized.

One must insert this Google AdSense code on your WordPress website in order for advertising to appear.

One would need to paste the line of code to have Google AdSense automatically decide when, where, and how many advertisements to display on each page of the WordPress website.

How to Connect Google Adsense With Your WordPress Website?

1. Install Google AdSense code manually in WordPress

The first step is to select the “Ads” menu from the left-hand column, after which one would select the “By ad unit” option. One must choose “Create New Ad” from this menu.

An ad-type selection will be required. One may choose between display, in-feed, and in-article advertisements.

2. Start with display advertising if you’re hesitant.

One must next choose the ad size and kind, as well as give this ad unit a name and give the advertisement whatever name one likes, such as “SiteName Sidebar,” as it will only be used internally.

Selecting the ad size is the next choice. Although Google Adsense offers a broad range of ad sizes, certain of them are mentioned as suggested since they are the most widely used by marketers.

Additionally, one may decide if the ad should be responsive or fixed. Since responsive advertisements function effectively on all devices and screen sizes.

3. To proceed, press the Create button next.

The ad code will now be generated by Google AdSense. It includes both the publisher ID and the specific ad unit ID.

Add Google Adsense to Your WordPress Website

All one has to to do is copy the ad code and paste it into a plain text editor like Notepad or TextEdit. 

WordPress Google AdSense Integration

The location of the advertisement on the WordPress website must then be decided. Ads are often shown on the sidebar. Using WordPress widgets, one may add Google Adsense to the sidebar.

Enter WordPress admin area and navigate to the Appearance » Widgets page.

Next, select the widget area where one needs to add a “Custom HTML” widget block by clicking the “+” button.

After that, enter the Google AdSense code in the Custom HTML widget box.

Don’t forget to click the “Update” button after that. It is advised to check out the AdSanity WordPress plugin for better placement control and tracking.

WordPress Auto-Ads AdSense Code Input

It takes a lot of effort to add individual Google AdSense to the various sections of the website.

The majority of newbies have trouble deciding where to place their ads on their websites.

Google launched auto-ads to address this. This lets Google AdSense choose the best position, ad size, and ad kind for the website with the addition of only one piece of code.

This method’s drawback is that one would have less control over where ads are placed on the WordPress website.

This is how one can add Google AdSense to the website if one would need to use the auto-ads feature.

Go to the account and log in. Then, select the Ads tab. To create the auto-ads code and click the Get Code button.

The publisher ID will now be generated by Google AdSense and displayed in a code snippet. This code can now be pasted into a text editor.

WordPress Auto-AdSense Code Installation

The auto-ads code generates advertising all across the WordPress blog using a single piece of code.

This implies that one must add the code to every page where one wishes to display the advertisement.

One approach to achieving this is to include the code in the header.php file of the WordPress theme. The drawback of this approach is to update or alter the theme, your ad code will vanish.

Using a plugin like WPCode is the best approach to adding any site-wide code to the WordPress website.

The free WPCode plugin must first be installed and activated. See our step-by-step tutorial on installing a WordPress plugin for additional information.

Visit the Code Snippets » Header and Footer page after activation. The header part is where one needs to add the Google AdSense code.

Remember to click the ‘Save Changes” button to save the changes.

Now that the ad code has been added, the WordPress website’s pages will display it. Google AdSense may take some time to begin displaying advertisements.

The ideal side job may be adding Google AdSense to WordPress and showing advertisements to generate fresh revenue, particularly if the WordPress website receives a lot of traffic and is not built to offer one’s own goods and services.

If one needs to setup the WordPress website or blog, Exabytes can help with its WordPress hosting services. To know more, proceed to our page now.

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