Time flies, as the month of July was wrapped up in the midst of numerous meetings and new product and promotion launches, a star was born in the month of August, our Employee of the Month for August 2011.

But before we reveal the big secret, let’s give you our valued blog follower a hint or two about our hero of the month!

First, he is a frequent gym-goer with a muscular body.

Second he makes his iphone his best mate to the extent that he sleeps with it and eats with it.

Third, his favourite pastime is watching Japanese anime movies, English drama series and listening to Japanese songs even he doesn’t understand a word of it.

Fourth, according to some sources, he is often seen ‘drifting’ on the roads in his Toyota SEG.

Fifth, he is a friendly person who is approachable and helpful to anyone around him.

Without further delay, let’s give a big round of applause to Level 1 Software Engineer, Rick Toh Eng Chun!!

However, Rick wasn’t selected as EOTM of August because of his drifting skills or his liking for his iphone.

Instead, he was chosen because of his good working attitude and selfless dedication as follows:

  • Takes the initiative to solve client issues
  • Good working attitude
  • Eager and willing to learn, friendly
  • Assists clients well and is highly responsible for follow-ups of client issues until resolved
  • Completes task assigned to him on time

Congratulations Rick, keep up the good work!