Black Friday & Cyber Monday sale

Happy Black Friday and Cyber Monday Everybody!!

November 25, 2011 is Black Friday! While some believe that Friday the 13th aka Black Friday is the day which brings bad luck, November 25 this year is actually a special day also called Black Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

Although Black Friday is not an official holiday, many major shops open as early as 4am to shoppers especially non-retail employees who are usually given a day off. In addition, Cyber Monday is the Monday immediately following Black Friday.

In conjunction with this joyous and beautiful occasion, Exabytes Singapore is offering our valued customers the privilege of doing shopping at the lowest price for the highest value from November 25th to 28th, 2011.

Check it out:

a) 70% OFF Unlimited Business Web Hosting – as low as SGD 3.98
b) 50% OFF for all VPS Packages – as low as SGD 28.75/month
c) 50% OFF for Reseller Web Hosting – as low as SGD 27.08/month
* only for package with 20 domains and above.
d) 50% OFF for Windows Business SSD Web Hosting – as low as SGD 5.80

To enjoy these special offers, kindly use the following coupon codes:

Coupon Code for VPS , Reseller Web Hosting, Windows Business Hosting:


Coupon Code for Unlimited Business Web Hosting:


There is officially no better time to do shopping than NOW!

ACT FAST!!! These amazing offers are valid ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 28!!


Announcement: Domain Name Program Closure

Thank you for making our Domain Name Program a resounding success. As all good things come to an end, this program has now concluded.

For those still on the hunt for the perfect domain, fear not! Click the link below to browse our available domains and stake your claim in the digital realm.

Discover your domain name here.


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