public, private, hybird, multiclouds: types of cloud computing

Cloud computing services are frequently considered by organizations searching for new methods to store and access their data.

Cloud technology may assist businesses in lowering their IT operations expenses, enhancing cybersecurity, and speeding up computing.

According to Statista report –  Cloud computing will bring in about $400 billion in revenue as a subset of IT services in 2021 and shows no indication of slowing off.

The IDC research states that the public and private cloud computing services segment is projected to be the cloud market’s greatest revenue driver.

By 2024, it’s projected to contribute more than 60% of all cloud computing revenue globally at a CAGR of 21.0%.

Cloud computing: What is it?

Cloud computing is a technology that offers services to people or organizations through the internet.

Businesses frequently utilize cloud technology to conveniently store, move, and update their corporate data.

Cloud technology can make it simpler for businesses to permit their employees to access corporate resources from a range of places and devices since users access their cloud computing services online.

In a virtual setting, cloud technology can also offer a wide range of additional services, such as servers, databases, software, and networks.

Cloud computing is classified into four types:

  • Public clouds
  • Private clouds
  • Hybrid clouds
  • Multiclouds

1# Public Clouds

virtual server cloud

A third-party cloud computing provider manages public clouds, a particular category of cloud computing.

These cloud technology companies use the open internet to provide cloud computing services to their customers.

The gear, infrastructure, and resources used for types of cloud storage are under the ownership and control of the cloud computing provider.

This implies that any upgrades or problems that call for troubleshooting are normally handled by the cloud computing provider.

Several public clouds offer free cloud services to their customers. In other public clouds, customers may select the types of cloud storage and other cloud services they require through a tiered subscription scheme.

Public clouds are often the most economical kind of cloud computing deployment since they provide pooled resources to several consumers.

All clouds become public clouds after the environments have been split up and distributed among other tenants.

Since some cloud computing providers permit users to utilize their clouds for free, fee structures are no longer a need for public clouds.

It is also possible to abstract and resells the bare-metal IT infrastructure used by public cloud providers as IaaS or to build and resell a cloud platform as PaaS.

Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure are some of the biggest public cloud computing service providers.

2# Private clouds

Private cloud computing is a cloud environment that is completely dedicated to one end user or group, often running behind that user’s or group’s firewall.

All clouds become private clouds when the underlying IT infrastructure is allocated to a single customer with completely segregated access.

However, private cloud technology is no longer required to be powered by on-site IT equipment.

Now that businesses are constructing private clouds in off-site, rented data centers operated by vendors, all standards governing location and ownership are irrelevant. Several private cloud subtypes have also resulted from this, including:

a. Managed private clouds

A third-party provider deploys, configures, and manages a private cloud computing that customers build and utilize.

Enterprises with understaffed or underqualified IT teams can improve the quality of their private cloud computing services and infrastructure by using managed private clouds as a cloud delivery option.

b. Dedicated clouds

A cloud inside of a cloud. Either a private cloud or a public cloud can accommodate dedicated cloud technology.

As an illustration, the private cloud of the company may have a separate cloud for the marketing division.

Private cloud technology can provide enterprises with more security than public clouds since they don’t share their resources with numerous clients through the internet.

But generally speaking, private cloud computing is more expensive than public ones.

3# Hybrid cloud

cloud backup solution

Services from both public and private clouds are combined in hybrid cloud computing. With a hybrid cloud, businesses may often choose to mix different aspects of both types of cloud storage.

Hybrid cloud technology deployment provides businesses more flexibility in their operations and infrastructure since it frequently allows for customization by enterprises.

Hybrid cloud computing features are diverse, and each organization may have different needs.

For instance, a hybrid cloud would require:

  • One public cloud and at least one private cloud
  • At least two private clouds
  • At least two public clouds
  • A virtual or bare-metal setup combined with at least one public or private cloud computing.

4# Multi-clouds

When a company employs various third-party cloud providers, it is referred to as a multi-cloud system.

To enhance their cybersecurity systems, several businesses opt to utilize multiple cloud technology providers.

Additionally, distinct clouds for various corporate operations, departments, or branches may be maintained with the use of multi-cloud computing setups.

However, a multi-cloud technology makes it more difficult to transfer resources between clouds because all of the cloud resources and data are run on distinct infrastructures.

An environment with several cloud computing may occur accidentally or on purpose (usually the result of shadow IT).

In any case, businesses that want to enhance security and performance through a broadened portfolio of cloud computing are increasingly likely to have numerous clouds.


While utilizing cloud computing analyze the types of cloud storage requirements for your business, including performance speed, cybersecurity, agility, and connection.

Different cloud technology architectures and services could work better for some businesses than others.

All of these cloud computing models may be used by businesses without them needing to acquire and construct their own IT infrastructure, which saves them money on IT.

If businesses in Singapore want to set up private cloud computing models in their organizations, they can reach out to Exabytes and get private cloud services with no resource sharing.

Obtain a single-tenant cloud computing that has your own security rules, and dedicated data storage with a large capacity, and there are no issues with cloud technology sharing.

Contact Exabytes Singapore to know more about the type of cloud that best suits your business and start your cloud computing journey.

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Depending on the demands of your business, there are different types of cloud computing to take into consideration.

  • A private cloud is best for workloads with predictable, stable demand patterns.
  • If your workload has high volume or fluctuating demand levels, a public cloud might be more advisable.
  • Finally, a hybrid cloud can host any kind of task at any time as long as it makes sense

Which Cloud is safest?

Public clouds tend to have a wider variety of security threats. Public clouds often split security responsibilities.

For example, infrastructural security can be the provider’s responsibility while working on an application-specific solution can be the employer’s.

Private clouds are perceived to be more secure because your data is typically safe behind your own firewall, but the strength of your own security depends on its level.

Hybrid cloud security is a combination of the best aspects of each type. This means you’ll be able to lower your exposure by moving workloads and data based on how they should be handled.

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