sme go digital investment fund and government grants

Singapore is well-known for its attempts to position itself as a leader in the technology industry through government grants, nurturing talent, and supporting the establishment of new enterprises.

The government is providing government grants for programs like SME go digital to establish a Singaporean equivalent of Silicon Valley.

This ambitious program benefits from the government’s lack of electoral politics, which allows it to function with a long-term perspective.

The overall number of Singaporean businesses is expected to expand from 273,100 in 2019 to 291,600 in 2021. SMEs account for 99% of all businesses and provide 71% of total employment.

Singapore also offers a Global Investor Program (GIP) that “accords Singapore Permanent Resident status (PR) to qualifying worldwide investors who aim to lead their enterprises and investment fund from Singapore.”

How Singapore Supports SMEs’ Go Digital

SMEs freelance business

Singapore’s economy is built on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises employ about two-thirds of the workforce and contribute considerably to the nation’s GDP.

As digitalization quickly reshapes the corporate landscape, the Singaporean government has implemented a number of initiatives with government grants to assist SMEs in their digitalization efforts.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Singapore’s economy, accounting for 99% of all enterprises and employing nearly two-thirds of the country’s workforce.

The Singaporean government recognizes the vital role that SMEs play in the country’s economic growth and has launched several initiatives like SME go digital and gives government grants to help SMEs embrace digital transformation and stay competitive in the global market.

The 10 Investment Funds and Government Grants

Let’s look at ten investment funds and government grants that Singapore provides to support SMEs’ digitalization efforts.

1# SMEs Go Digital Programme

SMEs Go Digital Programme Singapore

The SMEs Go Digital Program is a comprehensive initiative to help SMEs adopt digital solutions and enhance their productivity.

The program provides support in areas such as e-commerce, cybersecurity, and data analytics and covers up to 80% of qualifying costs with government grants.

For more information: Makes Going Digital Simple for SMEs

2# Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

The EDG is a comprehensive grant that helps SMEs grow their businesses both domestically and internationally.

The government grant covers up to 70% of the qualifying costs of projects related to core capability development, innovation and productivity, and market access.

The EDG supports a wide range of activities, including consulting, training, software, and equipment.

For more information: Enterprise Development Grant

3# Capability Development Grant (CDG)

The CDG is a government grant that helps SMEs upgrade their capabilities through consulting projects.

The grant covers up to 70% of the qualifying investment fund of consulting projects related to areas such as financial management, human resource management, and business strategy development.

The CDG aims to help SMEs improve their operations, increase their competitiveness, and grow their businesses.

For more information: Capability Development Grant

4# Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

The MRA government grant helps SMEs expand their businesses overseas by providing funding support for activities such as market research, market entry, and business matching.

The grant covers up to 70% of the qualifying investment fund, with a cap of S$100,000 per company per fiscal year. The MRA Grant aims to help SMEs internationalize and compete on a global scale.

For more information: Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

5# Digital Resilience Bonus (DRB)

The DRB is a one-time investment fund to help businesses in the food services and retail sectors adopt digital solutions that enhance their resilience.

The DRB covers up to S$10,000 for each business and aims to help SMEs enhance their operational efficiency, manage costs, and adapt to changing market conditions.

6# Startup SG Equity

This is a co-investment scheme that provides investment fund to eligible startups in Singapore.

The scheme matches private sector investments in eligible startups, with the government grants up to 70% of the investment amount.

For more information: Startup SG Equity

7# Startup SG Founder

Startup SG Founder is a government grant that provides investment fund support to first-time entrepreneurs who want to start innovative technology startups in Singapore.

The grant offers up to S$50,000 in funding, with no equity or repayment required. The grant aims to encourage entrepreneurship and support the growth of innovative startups in Singapore.

For more information: Startup SG Founder

8# Business Improvement Fund (BIF)

The BIF is a government grant that helps SMEs adopt technology and innovative solutions to improve their business operations.

The grant covers up to 70% of the qualifying costs, with a maximum grant amount of S$300,000 per project.

The BIF aims to help SMEs develop innovative solutions, improve their productivity, and compete effectively in the global marketplace.

9# Intellectual Property (IP) Management and Commercialization Initiative (IP MCI)

The IP MCI is a grant provided by the Singaporean government to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) manage and commercialize their intellectual property assets.

The IP MCI is part of a wider investment fund effort by the Singaporean government to support SMEs in their digitalization journey and to help them stay competitive in the global market.

10# Startup SG Tech

Startup SG Tech is a Singaporean government grant provided to help early-stage technology startups in Singapore.

The grant is part of the wider Startup SG initiative, which aims to support the growth and development of innovative startups in Singapore.

The grant is administered by Enterprise Singapore, a government agency that supports the growth of local businesses and promotes Singapore as a global hub for innovation and enterprise.

The Startup SG Tech grant provides investment fund support of up to S$750,000 for eligible startups to develop their innovative technology products or solutions.

More Information: Startup SG Tech


The government grants and initiative provide a valuable lifeline for SMEs as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Singapore is committed to supporting its small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their digitalization journey, and the government has launched several initiatives and grants like sme go digital to help SMEs embrace digital transformation.

If you are a Singapore based startup or SMEs and want to take advantage of government grants, Exabytes can help you with its #SMEsKickstart2023 program.

For more information, contact us now. 

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