SEO expert use AI Chatbot as Keywords Research Tools

Keywords research is critical in deciding the performance of the website in the area of search engine optimization (SEO).

Traditional keyword research tools, on the other hand, may not be able to keep up with the continually changing environment of chatbot search engines.

This is when artificial intelligence-powered conversation search engines and keyword research tools come into play.

Chat search engines, such as ChatGPT, are gaining popularity as a more natural and intuitive manner of searching for information.

As a result, businesses must modify their SEO strategy to fit the requirements of this new chatbot search engine technology.

One million new users joined ChatGPT in the first week after it launched. Currently, it’s projected that 616 million people visit the Chat GPT website each month.

How Can ChatGPT Be Used for Keyword Research?

The growth of AI tools for search engines, such as ChatGPT, has resulted in the creation of new and novel keyword research techniques.

These technologies give organizations more insights into how people search for information, allowing them to adjust their SEO tactics accordingly.

It may engage with users in a conversational fashion, answering follow-up inquiries, admitting mistakes, rejecting unsuitable requests, and even questioning faulty premises, using artificial intelligence (AI) and large volumes of data.

It is a vital component of any effective SEO (search engine optimization) plan, and it is the same if one wishes to use ChatGPT for SEO.

Keyword research may also help one find possible content themes as well as potential rivals and their techniques.

Various Kinds of Keyword Research and Analysis


To find the finest keywords for the website, one may do many sorts of keyword research and analysis.

Keyword Research and Analysis Methodologies:

  • Keyword research: is the process of determining the most popular and relevant phrases used by your target audience.
  • Competitor Analysis: Examining your rivals’ keywords to see which terms they are targeting.
  • Search Volume Analysis: Estimating the number of searches for a specific term or phrase.
  • Keyword Difficulty Analysis: The process of determining the difficulty of ranking for a certain keyword or phrase.
  • Long-Tail Keyword Research: Identifying less competitive search keywords that are lengthier and more detailed.
  • Keyword clustering: combining similar terms to get more specialised content

Searching for Keywords using ChatGPT

ChatGtp search keywords

How can ChatGPT be used to identify useful and relevant keywords?

To use ChatGPT to its full potential for keywords research, it may be essential to first grasp the differences between it and some of the more traditional keyword research tools.

Normally, one would employ tools such as:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Search Console
  • Ahrefs
  • Storybase

When one uses ChatGPT for keywords research, it can only analyze the context of a question and then recommend relevant terms using natural language processing (NLP).

This implies that it can provide different suggestions than typical keyword research tools, but it is also limited because it lacks actual search data.

Contrast ChatGPT With Traditional Keyword Research Methods. 

Let’s look at some instances and compare them to the previously outlined tactics.

Keyword Research Method ChatGPT Traditional
Keyword Discovery Can be queried for relevant keyword research through prompts Requires manual research and analysis
Competitor Analysis Can extract keywords from a competitor’s page by feeding it the text Requires the use of a keyword research tool to analyze a competitor’s ranking keywords
Long-Tail Keyword Analysis Can generate a list of long-tail keywords based on a core term and provide alternative versions Requires manual research and analysis
Keyword Difficulty Analysis Cannot assess keyword difficulty as it does not have access to genuine search data Can use a keyword research tool to analyze keyword difficulty
Keyword Clustering Can support the organization of relevant terms through strong language comprehension Requires manual grouping and analysis of relevant terms

1# Keyword Research

ChatGPT may be utilised for keyword discovery by simply querying it for relevant keyword research.

This may be a prompt like “Make a list containing terms related to “yoga workouts” that one might use to search in Google.”

One might then ask for more keywords or expand the query with audience requirements, either in the chat format or by including it in the first prompt. This is remarkably adaptable, and the only limitation is one’s creativity.

Additionally, some of us who enjoy having hundreds of keywords research in Google Sheets or Excel may find these back-and-forth inquiries for specification to be incredibly slow-moving and elementary.

2# Analysis of Competitors

If users can’t acquire a list of real keywords a rival is ranking for by just entering their URL into Ahref or another comparable keyword research tool.

What one can do instead, which is similar to a competition study, is feed ChatGPT the text of their page and then ask it to extract the keywords.

So go to the competitor’s website, mark everything, copy it, and then open ChatGPT and start a prompt with something like “Make a list of the 20 most important keywords in the following text:” followed by the pasted content.

3# Long-Tail Keyword Analysis

Finding long-tail keywords is one of the disciplines of keyword research that ChatGPT can help with.

Simply provide a command such as “generate a list of long-tail keywords based on the core term ‘yoga exercises.'”

An alternative is then to ask ChatGPT to supply other versions of this with suggestions like “revise the list so it’s not directly the words “yoga exercises” that are used, but comparable concepts and phrases.”

4# Analysis of Keyword Difficulty

ChatGPT does not have access to genuine search data and hence cannot be used to assess keyword difficulty.

When asked in a prompt, “Which of the following keywords research might be the most difficult to rank high as number one in Google on?”

It will sincerely make an effort to reverberate in order to elicit a response.

Then attempt to transform the topic into a bigger issue (how to rank on Google), about which it may make a statement.

5# Keyword Clustering

Organizing relevant terms is sometimes a laborious task. However, strong language comprehension (remember, ChatGPT is built on GPT-3, one of the most powerful language algorithms ever seen), supports this rather well.

Another option is to ask ChatGPT to group keywords, either with a keyword research list or while creating keywords. “What are good keywords, sorted by category, that I may use to help rank my yoga studio?” could be a prompt.


ChatGPT is an exceptionally powerful tool. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of what keyword research SEO practices has to offer and what it might be able to do in the future.

If one wants to rank on search engines to increase sales, Exabytes can help with its SEO services in Singapore. For more information, contact us now.

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