Plesk WordPress Toolkit

How WordPress Management Is Simplified with Plesk Toolkit

WordPress hosting is one of the popular mediums for website hosting used by businesses.

Be it for the content management system or for powering the business website, globally the demand for WordPress themes-based hosting is phenomenal. 

Its incredible solution, combined with numerous benefits, transpires WordPress hosting as an effective system for a new blog to news publishing or product info updates management.

Also, the plug-ins and other tools integral to WordPress hosting help SMBs with better control of the web themes planned for the respective websites. 

Choosing managed service hosting like the WordPress engine can be a easier for business to handle their websites, but for an economic dimension of WordPress hosting, there are limited options like cPanel, Ubuntu, and Plesk.

In this article, the focus is on understanding the simple and effective system of the Plesk WordPress Toolkit.

What is Plesk Control Panel?


Plesk is a web hosting control panel resourceful for installation on both Linux and Windows servers. Categorically in the case of Media (images and videos) centric WordPress hosting, Plesk is used vividly.  

Plesk as an independent WordPress Toolkit can be installed and used on customized or private servers too. 

Plesk 17WP Toolkit is the WordPress Toolkit from Plesk for adding a range of WordPress functionalities and can be resourceful for handling the WordPress functionality, in terms of plugins, updates, and security updates to the WordPress hosting

WordPress Toolkit in Plesk 

WordPress Toolkit

Plesk offers versatile and secure toolkit support for dealing with WordPress hosting, using a simple dashboard interface.

Using the dashboard features and configurations, multiple WordPress instances can be dealt with effectively. 

In the case of Plesk, it is super-easy and effective to test new plugins, design ideas, and features over a sandbox solution, and once the outcome is satisfied, the WordPress hosting can be live.

A key benefit of using Plesk is about using the above-mentioned sandbox features without additional plugins or separate server requirements, and the Plesk WordPress tool kit can support seamless solutions. 

Also, the Plesk WordPress Toolkit can be used for eliminating the complexities of managing WordPress websites.

Some of the key features of Plesk are migration, updating, sync, cloning, and staging processes, and it can be resourcefully managed with one simple click solution. 

Plesk WordPress took kit offers a single management interface that helps in dealing with configuration settings and WordPress management themes.

Just installation of the WordPress Toolkit extension in Plesk can help in better ways of dealing the WordPress hosting

Effective management of WordPress hosting over Plesk is all about installing the Plesk WordPress tool kit and ensuring having PHP version 5.3 or higher versions for the systems.

If the servers are still using a lower version of PHP, there is a need to install a custom PHP handler. 

Also, for the Plesk Web Host service subscribers, the Plesk WordPress Toolkit is free (only in the case of the Plesk Web Host and Plesk Web Pro editions).

To host high scale web-applications, the Plesk Web Admin relies on a different version. 

4 Benefits of Easy Managed Plesk WordPress Toolkit

Some of the benefits of using the Plesk WordPress toolkit for hosting are:

1. WordPress Installation is made easy with Plesk 

Logging into the Plesk panel, the technical teams must choose the installation options available to install WordPress, Applications, and Subscription.

Using the websites and domains tab, one can notice the WordPress icon and install WordPress in the Plesk panel.

Post the installation, the WordPress websites deployed on the server is visible and using the widget tools the set-up can be easily navigated for necessary information.

By choosing the settings menu, the necessary controls and tools for the website can be managed.

The toggle functions available in the settings can be used for disabling or enabling the search engine indexing, handling the maintenance requirements, debugging, or restricting public access basis the password protection features.

Also, the links available for syncing, cloning, backup/restoring, and managing files can be helpful for the tech teams in dealing with WordPress hosting more effectively.

The plugins available as part of the WordPress Toolkit plugin management are easy, and one can install or activate or remove plugins from the dashboard.

In addition to the features of installing the WordPress hosting plugins, the third-party plugins also can be installed using the zip file of the plugins being uploaded.

Post-upload, the plugins can be activated. Also, the deactivation or removal of plugins is easy to handle the task in the Plesk WordPress Toolkit.

2. Managing WordPress Themes

Using the Plesk WordPress Toolkit options, it is simple to add or remove or activate or deactivate any WordPress themes.

By simple selection of the theme tab from the search options, a WordPress theme can be deployed.

Divi WordPress Theme
One of the examples of WordPress themes.

Just like the plugins, one can add the theme for all the WordPress instances or choose custom themes for every instance.

The drag-and-drop features in the Plesk WordPress Toolkit help in the effective designing of WordPress hosting.

3. WordPress Security 

The security check can be carried out for the WordPress hosting in the Plesk WordPress tool kit.

The scope for customizing the security settings using the dashboard is a user-friendly solution.

One can easily handle the security settings and security status from the S column in the websites & domain section in the WordPress hosting.

Related: WordPress Website Security Tips & Tricks 

4. Backup & Restoring

One of the important aspects to focus on WordPress hosting is to consider the features of backup and restoration.

There is a need for a backup plan to secure the WordPress hosting from any uncertain conditions of damage to the system’s performance.

Therefore, using the simple and effective features of the Plesk WordPress Toolkit, it is easier to work on backup and restore features.

Using the backup manager and backup scheduling settings in the websites & domains section of the Plesk Panel for WordPress hosting, the features can be used for proper backup options.

Rightly used, WordPress hosting is a powerful solution for managing content management sites and websites with effective designs.

In addition, choosing the Plesk control panel can help in the more effective management of WordPress hosting.

For more on WordPress hosting, reach out to an Exabytes Singapore professional.

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