how to make your website multilingual

Attention for WordPress website owner who is interested to start tapping into the multilingual market, now you can easily make your website multilingual/bilingual to expand the reach of your business.

So, you’re planning to target different audiences on your website. Therefore, you need to have multiple languages for your website so that all your target audience can understand what your website is offering.

The question is, how to make my website bilingual/ multilingual without much technical knowledge?

The solution is simple, there are multiple plugins in WordPress that can do the job for you. In this article, I will be sharing with you how you can translate your website easily using TranslatePress

Note: I’m using the free version of TranslatePress, what I demonstrate here is achievable without additional cost.

Step 1: Install the WordPress Plugin

Login to your WordPress dashboard and search for “TranslatePress”. Once you’ve found the correct plugin, click install and activate.


Step 2: Basic Plugin Configurations

Once the plugin is successfully installed, go to the TranslatePress setting page. (Settings > TranslatePress)

The page should look something like this. 

In the “All Language” section, search and add in the language you wish to include. In my case, I will be adding “Chinese (Taiwan)” as my second language. Once done, click “Add”.

Once your selected language was successfully added, it will show something like this. After confirmation, scroll to the bottom and click “Save”.

Step 3: Translating All Page

There are 2 options for you to translate your page – manually or automatically. If you do not wish to manually translate all your page content to a different language.

Then, you have the option to automatically translate everything to the selected language.

Note: Automatic Translation may not be 100%, so if you don’t mind mistranslation from happening, automatic translation is fine for you.

All you have to do is click on the tab – Automatic Translation, select “Yes”, save the changes, and you’re done!

But if you wish to manually translate your website, which I highly recommend, click on “Translate Site

After clicking on the button, you should be able to see a simple translation sidebar on your left and your website on the right.

All you have to do is click on all the text that you wish to translate one by one and translate them to your selected language. After each translation, click “Save translation” and proceed with the next text.

Once done, you can now take a look at your website. As you can see, most of the text is successfully converted to Mandarin when we switch the language from English to Mandarin.

If you’re able to see the same results too, congratulations! You’ve successfully improved your web design skill to the next level.

Step 4: Customizing the Appearance

One of the downsides of translating English to Mandarin is that it is hard for us to make sure that the length of content in English and Mandarin will be the same.

Therefore, it may cause some issues with your text alignments like the image above. 

To make sure your website looks good in all languages, you’ll need to manually check if there are any issues with your website design after translating to a different language and make some minor changes to your layout.

In this article, we will not be touching on this.

The next thing you can do is remove the ugly language switcher, and move it to your menu section.

Go back to your TranslatePress settings page (Settings > TranslatePress) and scroll to the bottom.  Untick “Floating language selection” and click “Save Changes”.

Then, go to your menu setting page (Appearance > Menus). Then, drag everything from the language switcher into your menu. The result should look something like this. Once done, click “Save Menu

Step 5: Check Language Switcher

Finally, you can have a look at your website with a beautifully made language switcher.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully made your website multilingual! I hope this guide did save you a precious amount of time researching for answers. 

WordPress – The Best Platform to Make a Multilingual Website

WordPress isn’t simply the most effective way to make a multi language web site due to its appeal– it likewise offers all the plugins and tools you require to easily convert your website into brand-new languages.

Below are the particular reasons that we advise WordPress for a multi language site:

  • The core WordPress software application is 100% totally free.
  • You can expand your WordPress website with thousands of cost-free as well as paid plugins.
  • You get accessibility to simple visual translation devices like TranslatePress.
  • WordPress is SEO-friendly, which will certainly make it easier to place your multi-language content in Google and also other search engines.
  • You can regulate just how your website looks with thousands of complimentary and paid themes.
  • The WordPress software application is secure and you can better intensify protection with WordPress safety plugins.

Let’s make website multilingual / bilingual to expand your business!

For anyone interested in starting an online business, the Exabytes hosting plan can take care of everything to help you go online.

Just get yourself a Managed WordPress Hosting Plan so the process is as simple as possible for you without any technical knowledge.

If you wish to learn more about WordPress, here are some other articles on WordPress that you may be interested in:-

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