Strengthen your data security: tips & tricks

Data is a company’s most important resource. Whether it’s financial reports, medical information, or a start-up company plan, it’s crucial to get personal data protection regardless of the sector you work in.

Data security threats are increasing despite tighter data security regulations. 80% of data breaches, which cost $150 per record, include personally identifiable information, according to Capita.

A little more than 3.7 thousand data protection Singapore instances were reported in Singapore in 2021 compared to 2022. The source claims that in Singapore in that year, 48% of all data security crimes were committed online.

What is Data Security?

The procedures, strategies, and concepts used to safeguard digital data and other types of personal data protection are referred to as data security or information security.

The “CIA triangle,” which consists of the three fundamental principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, is the basis for data security.

  • Confidentiality involves limiting unauthorized access to information in order to data security from getting into the wrong hands. Data protection in Singapore organizations should employ security measures to ensure confidentiality, including encryption, two-factor authentication, strong passwords, configuration management, monitoring, and alerting. Access control lists (ACLs) based on the least privilege principle are another example.
  • Integrity refers to data security against erroneous deletion or change. Using a digital signature, which is frequently utilized by organizations in the public and private sectors of healthcare and government, is a data security technique to guarantee integrity.
  • Availability necessitates ensuring that data security policies, computer systems, and software all function effectively to ensure that services and information systems are available when needed.
  • Data security of actual data rather than merely the perimeter.

Many firms appear to be focusing on safeguarding the walls around their data security, with firewall technology accounting for over 90% of data security spending.

However, there are several possible workarounds for data security firewalls, including through clients, partners, and personal data protection.

These individuals can all get beyond external data security and abuse sensitive data.

Tips & Tricks to Strengthen Your Data Security

Data Encryption

1. Keep an eye out for insider threats

As external data protection in Singapore dangers are frequently portrayed in news and media as the greatest and most data security expensive ones, it is simple to picture challenges coming from outside your firm.

The truth is that the insiders have the most capacity to harm business data security.

2. Testing company security

If companies believe that putting antivirus software on every computer or device would shield them from data security threats.

Hiring a reputable company like Exabytes to undertake a data protection security assessment will always find vulnerabilities you weren’t anticipating, as previous data security breaches have demonstrated.

3. Find unused user accounts in the directory

Work with the business partners to identify any user accounts that have not been used recently and determine if they may be deleted for data security or not.

4. Be specific about your obligations

One should know what data security is in charge of, what one can do with it, and what one can’t. By understanding the responsibilities, it is possible to take ownership of the data security handle.

5. Encrypt all of the devices

More and more people in the modern world prefer to work on their personal or mobile gadgets. How can businesses be certain that these gadgets are reliable?

Ensure that all data security is encrypted and that personal data protection stays encrypted during migrations.

6. Scan the environment for potentially hazardous files on a regular basis

To avoid mistakenly breaching data security by releasing ransomware or other malware, search for and remove unwanted executables, installers, and scripts on a regular basis.

7. Remove any unnecessary info.

Many businesses, particularly those in healthcare, banking, the public sector, and education, deal with sensitive data security information as an integral element of their operations.

Having data protection information disposal measures in place helps data security to avoid stale data from being lost and stolen later.

8. More money and time are being spent on cyber data security

Many CIOs have stated that investing more money and time in data security is essential since a lack of it remains the number one risk to the IT infrastructure.

A lot of large corporations with sensitive business data to safeguard are employing chief security officers, frequently in board-level roles, as they recognize that data security must be an inherent element of all data protection business operations.

9. Create and maintain a model of least privilege

It is critical for data security to limit each user’s access permissions to only what they require to complete their job: It restricts the harm that an employee may cause, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as well as the power of an attacker who gains control of a user account.

10. Create strong passwords.

Many businesses continue to use loose password restrictions, resulting in basic, generic, and easy-to-crack data security passwords for essential accounts with access to sensitive and valuable data.

The first step one can do to improve data protection in this area is to use strong data security passwords.

11. Make frequent backups of company data

cloud backup solution

This should already be an important component of the IT data security strategy. With safe backups in place, one can recover from everything from an accidental file loss to a total ransomware lockdown.

Backup data should be kept in a safe, remote location distant from the principal place of business as a data protection best practice.

12. Never hide data breaches or losses

Inform the management or the IT department right away if users make a mistake with data security, so that the company may take rapid action to reduce its data security losses. Hiding this truth will not benefit anyone.

The adoption of risk-based data security policies is the key to maintaining data security.

Understanding and reducing IT data security and personal data protection concerns may be enhanced by identifying and classifying the data.

Get Exabytes’ Acronis cyber protection and stop worrying about data security to assist the organization in planning and implementing data security compliance.

Contact us now to learn more about the cyber protection.

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