Building A Digital Future for Young Talents with CYS

When is the right time to start building a digital future for the upcoming talents of our society? Nurturing the digital industry and growing knowledge of digital and cybersecurity is the core for both Exabytes and Cyber Youth Singapore (CYS).

Digital future and what it means?

The word “digital” used to be related to the future and an avenue only relevant to youngsters. But, is this still the case today?

Digitalisation is no longer a luxury or something to consider in the future, even more so after the world got hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Digitalisation has become a necessity and this is now applicable to individuals and businesses of all ages. Toddlers and young children have started to attend kindy classes digitally.

Our parents and grandparents have been compelled to shop online or make digital payments even when shopping at brick and mortar stores.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this practice came as a very sudden kick-in and we were left with no other choices if we want to keep safe.

So, has this set a new era for us? Does this mean that we have all become experts in digital usage and practices?

Building A Digital Future for Young Talents with CYS

Digitalisation for businesses and the community

Though the process of digitalisation has kicked in almost as a force for us to carry on with our daily lives when the pandemic hit, there is still a huge gap in digital literacy among businesses and the community.

Many businesses, big or small, are very set in their ways of operating. The transition of digitalising their businesses comes as a huge challenge for many, or even something that is not at all achievable for some.

Entrepreneurs and businesses have been very comfortable in operating their business the way they did, be it the manual way, fully offline or partly digitalised.

For stakeholders such as Exabytes and CYS, the question is how do we bridge the gap in literacy? How do we change mindsets, especially of experienced entrepreneurs and businesses?

As one of the key leaders in the digital industry, our job is to minimise the gap in digital literacy, as well as to assure individuals and businesses of the success they’ll see in time, and most importantly, of safety and cybersecurity for them, their businesses and their children.

Building A Digital Future for Young Talents with CYS

How can Exabytes and CYS’ partnership help?

Exabytes and CYS got acquainted with each other when both organisations teamed up to launch the “Digitalise Singapore for Youth” campaign.

As the name suggests, the objective of this campaign aims to nurture the digital industry in Singapore, as well as give the opportunity to a thousand youths in Singapore to grow digitally by having access to digital resources to create their online presence.

Through Digitalise Singapore for Youth, Exabytes wants to give youths in Singapore access to free digital resources.

We know and believe that by introducing this opportunity to youths, they can start to familiarise themselves with “going digital”, start to create and grow their online presence, and have the resources to build their ideas, portfolio and resume online.

This will firstly portray professionalism when presented, and needless to reiterate, bring convenience for youths when doing updates, sharing or submitting for university or job interviews.

Building A Digital Future for Young Talents with CYS

After numerous detailed discussions between CYS and Exabytes, Digitalise Singapore was launched, and co-organised by both organisations.

With the expertise of both organisations and CYS’ familiarity with the youth landscape in Singapore, we were able to reach out and amplify awareness about Digitalise Singapore for Youth.

The campaign received a positive response where students teamed up to propose their ideas.

Through CYS’ expertise and team effort, all applications were carefully filtered and advised so youths are able to receive access to the best-suited resources for their proposals.

Other than offering free resources through Digitalise Singapore, Exabytes also had the opportunity to share our expertise to students and youths at webinars organised by CYS.

Building A Digital Future for Young Talents with CYS

As our relationship grows…

After more than a year of working together, Exabytes and CYS have worked closely on many campaigns, big and small.

Exabytes was honoured to be invited as one of their SEED partners for the next five years. And from this, one of the most experienced and knowledgeable in the industry, Exabytes’ Founder and CEO will sit on CYS’ advisory panel.

Our work does not stop here, and our partnership will grow further from here.

We started off by partnering and representing ourselves as two different organisations to execute campaigns with an objective to support and nurture youths in Singapore.

But today, we are happy to share that Exabytes and CYS will come as one to represent Digitalise Singapore at the upcoming Digital for Life Festival, happening from 21 to 29 May 2022.

Stay tuned to more activities of CYS and Exabytes’ partnership here.