Three months has lapsed since we bid farewell to year 2011. However, we are still not able to forget a selfless angel who dedicated a great deal and gave us all her best in the very last month of 2011. Yes, you’ve guessed it right! We are talking about our beloved EOTM December 2011 who set an extraordinary example for all Exabees especially newbies at Exabytes.

She is named ‘the satellite’ in our office who knows about everything about everybody which includes a person’s love life, family matters and even daily complaints. How has she managed to do so? Well, our star of December 2011 is an extremely good listener whom many of us find it easy and comfortable to tell her our problems. Outside work, she devotes a great amount of time doing something she absolutely adores – handmade art! She loves creating little things such as name card holders (the cute version) and has a website for her fans to check out her new items and collectibles and follow her on Facebook.

Together, let’s give a big round of applause to level 3 System Engineer, Ms Tan Ee Dawn!!

Last December, she had again raised the benchmark for EOTM with her impressive working attitude such as the following:

  • is punctual all the time
  • always provide good guidance to juniors
  • is very friendly to all colleagues
  • demonstrates good organizing skills at team building events, such as Christmas celebration
  • is responsible for all the tasks assigned to her

Congratulations Ee Dawn, keep up the good work!